Tuesday, October 14, 2014

TINST - 207 Blog Post #3: Erik Hanberg

Erik Hanberg gave some time to speak to our class last week. Erik has a long history of finding opportunities from the advent of the internet and telecommunications. He’s published several novels, including the “Arthur Beautyman mysteries” along with involvement in film and theater. Erik’s resume of works and awards are impressive, to say the least. During his presentation he discussed how the connectivity of the modern age has opened many doors, but also introduced many new concerns. In this instance, media sites like Facebook and Twitter allow Erik to keep a strong presence online to interact with fellow readers and followers, as he mentioned “that if it’s not online, it doesn’t exist.” Other websites such as Linkedin have helped him keep a strong professional appearance with being able to advertise his professional experience and skills. Alongside these exciting opportunities, he discussed how the advent of the internet has tarnished the reputation of some individuals from online attacks and creating controversial online posts.

I’ve always been careful of my presence in the online realm. In part, I’m very selective in what online services I participate in. My presence only extends to Facebook and a single message board (I guess this blog also counts, too.) I’m not really interested in websites such as twitter and tumblr, mostly because I can’t imagine making much use of them. However, I am interested in Linkedin, as it may be very helpful in a professional career. Though, it may be a few more years until I’m ready for that.

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